Remer, MN is a small town in north-central Minnesota not really all that close to anything. It’s home to about 370 people, a couple bars and stores, and one great roadside attraction. This Bald Eagle sits right on the main street through town, and is impossible to miss. It sits on a stone pedestal overlooking the town. Although not the only eagle statue in the state, it does stand out due to its color and detail. A painted sign next to it tells about how the eagle is a salute to people who served for the country in time of war. It’s about 10 feet tall.
While in the area: Bring your ‘squatch hunting gear! Remer was recently in the news for an alleged bigfoot sighting, and my recent travels there ended up with pretty conclusive evidence. And by that I mean I didnt find anything that could be considered evidence. Nice, quiet area though with a lot of lakes and pine trees.
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